Course 101

Course 101 is a course about Christian foundations and a space to talk about life, faith, the Bible, and God.



In addition to Course 101, we equip students to be able to defend their faith by arming them with answers to popular apologetics questions! Some sample questions and answers are shown to the right!

  • Yes, too many for us to go into right here! Here are just a few that we cover in Interhigh:

  • The view that good and bad are only relative is called moral relativism. There are a number of flaws that can be read more about on this website, but they are summarized here:

    1. If relativism is true, no one can ever be accused of doing anything wrong.

    2. You have no basis to complain about the problem of evil.

    3. Relativists can’t place blame or accept praise.

    4. If moral relativism is true, you can never improve your morality.

    5. In relativism, you cannot promote the virtue of tolerance.

  • Christianity makes claims that are diametrically at odds with atheism and other world religions. For example, Christians believe that God exists, and if that is true, then atheism cannot also be true. Christians also believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and if that is true, other religions that don’t affirm this cannot be true. In short, it does not make logical sense to hold the position that multiple religions can be true when they hold contradictory claims.

    You can learn more about the topic here.

  • No, it’s not actually! There are a number of facts that are historically attested to by both Christian and non-Christian historians alike:

    • Jesus died on the Cross and was buried

    • Jesus’ tomb was found empty

    • The disciples claimed to have seen the risen Jesus, and were willing to even die for this claim

    • The early church grew exponentially after Jesus’ reported resurrection

    There are a number of alternate theories floating around, such as the Swoon Theory, the Stolen Body Theory, and the Legendary Accretion Theory, but none of these theories are able to explain all four of the above historical facts. You can learn more about this question here!

  • The common argument thrown out by atheists goes something like this:

    1. If God is all-powerful then he can create any world that he wants.

    2. If God is all-loving then he prefers a world without suffering.

    3. Suffering exists.

    Therefore, God is either not all-powerful or not all-loving.

    William Lane Craig goes into a much more in-depth answer here, but in short, he says:

    1. The first premise is not entirely true: God cannot create a world that actualizes the logically impossible.

    2. This is not necessarily true. It’s possible that God could use suffering to bring about a greater good, or that God values human free will over lack of suffering.